“Visual Brochure” for EMERGE

EMERGE (click on the word to open PowerPoint in Windows) is a slide deck first presented at our fellowship gathering on Sunday the 21st of April 2024, featuring the photography of Michael Zager. ...

Our Landscaping, in the Big Scheme of Climate

Today we'd like to talk about a good starting plan for landscaping modification, with some observations from Doug Ross, who is offering vital know-how and experience. This task is important to do,...

When Mourning Loss Becomes Celebrating Simplicity

Contemplating the phrase “I could never give up __________.” In a materialistic society, in a complex, profit-driven social system, when we give something up, people think we enter the process of...


As the acronym SPICES guides spiritual attitudes and engagement, the acronym EMERGE can guide discernment as we learn to avoid doing further anthropogenic damage, and as we live in right relationship with Earth’s finite components and its natural balance.